Catholic Life
‘Belonging, caring, sharing, safe in the arms of God’s love’
The pupil’s at St Patrick’s have created their own understanding of how they live out the school mission statement.
- treat everyone as equals, with fairness and respect
- be inclusive of everyone
- celebrate difference – we are all made in the likeness and image of God
- show mercy and forgive others
- praise and encourage one another
- remember to celebrate
- pray together
- work together as a team and a family
- be a Church together
- look after each other
- look after everything – people, equipment, property, living things
- help others, especially those in need
- work as a team to keep everyone safe
- love one another always, no matter what
- put your trust in others and help them to trust you
- accept when you’ve done something wrong and show you care about making things right again
- care for God’s world and all he created – only use what you need
- say what is true
- stand up for what is right and do what is right
- try your best at everything, then share what you know
- be like the saints, sharing wisdom and setting a good example
- lead others so that they grow in confidence to lead others
- share your gifts and talents – the Holy Spirit will help and guide you
- be charitable – sharing what you have and giving what you can
- spread the Good News, God’s Word, by your example
St. Patrick’s School Prayer
Lord, bless our school,
so that by working together, playing together and praying together,
We may learn to love one another and serve you through Jesus Christ Our Lord,
Prayer for the Beginning of the School Day
O my God you love me,
You’re with me night and day.
I want to love you always,
In all I do and say.
I’ll try to please you, father.
Bless me through the day.
Prayer before Lunch
Bless us O God
As we sit together.
Bless the food we eat today.
Bless the hands that make the food.
Bless us O God.
Prayer after Lunch
Thank you God
For the food we have eaten.
Thank you God
For all our friends.
Thank you God for everything.
Thank you God.
Prayer at the End of the School Day
God our Father,
We come to say,
Thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family
And all the friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night
And in the morning send your light.
Our children in Y1 to Y6 are split into 6 houses. These house teams have been named with support from the pupils in the houses. Each house has also been given a colour which then corresponds to badges which the children wear. The houses have a base class room and have a dedicated member of the teaching team to lead their house.
Our Lady of Lourdes
Saint Patrick
Saint Oscar Romero
Saint George
Saint Bernadette
St Therese Of Lisieux
Within our houses our Y6 pupils have leadership roles. These are:
- House captain
- Vice House captain
- Health and Safety
- Chaplaincy
Our house and vice house captains also make up our school council. They play a vital role in the development of our school through their pupil voice.
Faith is a gift from God. He invites all of us to deepen our relationship with Him. Through the Faith in Action Award, we aim to enable young people to respond to that invitation in active faith through service to others and reflection on that service.
The Faith in Action Award rewards young people’s active service to others in their local and wider community. Young people accrue credits of service and reflect on that service in the context of the teachings of the Catholic Church throughout their award journey.
At St Patrick’s we currently have a group of Y6 pupils working towards their Faith in Action Award. They are being supported by our chaplains Clare and Luke.
In November 2018, the Bishop wrote a letter to be read out at all Masses. In his letter, Bishop Patrick outlined his three-fold vision for the next three years: ENCOUNTER, DISCIPLESHIP and MSSIONARY DISCIPLESHIP.
In 2023 Bishop Patrick announced the following
The coming three years will form a tripos of celebrations around the Jubilee, tying-in with the diocesan Spiritual Themes as well as the celebrations across the Universal Church. Bishop Patrick asked the entire Diocese of Nottingham to consider the three Themes back in November 2018, and since then they have been well established in a pattern of Encounter in the Advent Term; Discipleship in the Lent Term; and Missionary Discipleship in the Pentecost Term.
From Advent 2023 there will be a whole year of Encounter, to tie-in with the Year of Preparation focusing on Prayer in its many forms. Each month there will be a different prayer theme considered across the Diocese, with a scriptural quotation and a focus for prayer.
Dates: First Sunday of Advent (3rd December 2023) – Christmas Eve morning (24th December 2024)
The Jubilee Year 2025 will be a whole year of Discipleship, looking at some of the themes of the Year including care for creation, food poverty, modern slavery, cancelling debt, forgiveness, and rest and worship.
Dates: Year of Jubilee 2025 – Discipleship – Christmas Eve evening (24th December 2024) – Epiphany (6th January 2026)
The following year will look at Mission, as a thanksgiving for the Jubilee, and a response-in-action to the blessing and graces received during the Jubilee: we will be encouraged afresh to be those Missionary Disciples which is God’s gift to us at our baptism.
Dates: Post-Epiphany (7th January 2026) – end of ordinary time (28th November 2026)
If you’re Catholic and curious about the Bible, this is the place for you. Here you’ll find great resources, activities and ideas to help you deepen your faith and love of the Scriptures.
‘Every day we read a page of the Gospel, we pray with the Psalms, we read the Prophets! We will be moved by the Lord’s faithfulness. Scripture will also help us to understand what the Lord asks of our lives today.’ (Pope Francis, 25th July 2021
Right Reverend Patrick Joseph McKinney Bishop
of Nottingham
Pastoral Letter for the children of the Diocese
To be read in all Catholic Primary schools on or around 2nd November 2021
The Opening of the Synodal Process in the Diocese of Nottingham
Dear children of the Diocese of Nottingham
I hope you have enjoyed your half-term break and had a good rest. I am hoping today that you might be able to help me with an important task.
Every day you are probably very used to adults asking you to listen – sometimes you probably grow very tired of it! Listening to one another is of course so important when we are learning from our teachers or from our parents or when we are spending time with our friends and family.
Today, I really want to listen to you! I want to hear all about what you think and what you feel about being part of God’s family. As His children you are loved and cherished by Him, so it is very important that we listen to you. I’d love to know, most of all, what your dream is for God’s Church. How would you like it to look? What do you like about God’s Church? What would make it better? Who would you like to invite to church? You can share this dream in a poem or a picture or a story if you like. I would love to see whatever it is you’d like to create. I am hoping your teachers will be able to share some of your dreams on display boards or social media, using the hashtags #listeningchurch or #synod.
Thank you for helping me with this important task. Never forget that God the Father always wants to hear about his children’s plans and dreams. Don’t be afraid to tell Him all about them. He loves you and will always help you to live your dreams.
Bishop of Nottingham
Trust Synod Event
On Thursday 19th October 2023, a group of St Patrick’s children travelled to the Alive Church in Lincoln to take part in the Trust Synod Event. It was a great opportunity to for the pupils to take part in the synodal process and engage in similar conversations to that of Pope Francis and the clergy in Rome and all around the world. Our pupils were great ambassadors who were able to express their own thoughts and opinions on the future of the church.
Liturgical Year
St Patrick’s Day