Collective Worship

“Where two or more are gathered in my name,

I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:20

All classes participate in a daily act of collective worship.  This may take the form of class prayers, liturgies or assemblies. This is also linked to the Word of the Week (WOW), which are an integral part of school life, and used by staff and pupils to promote and develop whole school and class-based collective worship in an innovative and reflective way.

We celebrate achievements for Heart of Gold, Special Effort, Presentation (of self and of work) and the use of our talents, through awards from home for sports, drama, etc.  Children actively lead and participate in prayers, liturgies, Masses and House Meetings, where we teach them to be responsible, reflective, aware of others and aware of God’s world; in which we are children with a voice and all have a potential to strive for good, work for a better world and always see the best in ourselves and in others.

In order to fulfil its mission statement, the school places great importance upon the daily act of worship- just like Jesus gathering with His disciples.


  • To provide experience of a loving and worshipping community
  • To provide the opportunities for pupils to worship God
  • To provide the opportunities for spiritual and moral issues
  • To explore own and others beliefs/values
  • To encourage ownership and participation through active involvement in presentation of worship and listening/joining in worship

We follow the Word of the Week planner and use the format below to guide us through the week as a school, class and as a community.  If a key feast day or liturgical event falls on one of these days, this will replace the timetabled worship below.

Whole school Celebration of the Word led by different groups of pupils each week

Class-based collective worship focused on prayer development and linked to the Word of the Week.

Buddy and class mass take place on a three weekly basis.

Class-based Prayer development and Hymn practice


Class-based prayer development

Buddy, Celebration of the Word

We look forward to welcoming you to as many events as possible, so that you can share in these special times of prayer and worship that unite our school parish community.  So, watch out for newsletters and Parent Mail updates on this front. 

Word of the Week 2023-2024

Extra Ordo Nary Final 23 24